Future DrivenBlog

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Winners do quit

Success almost universally comes at a cost. Getting good at something means...


My 80/20 developer setup for macOS

“If I only had an hour to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 45 minutes sharpening my axe.” – Abraham Lincoln. Well, I don't have 45 minutes, Abe!


You don’t need to remove complexity, you need to abstract it gradually.

If a lot of people adhere to a solution even though it is complex, it’s because it solves something valuable for them. Instead of removing it, try abstracting it away gradually.


Nossas palavras, nossas ações, nossos resultados

Meu nome é Guilherme Rodrigues. Eu sou carioca, desenvolvedor de software, investidor e, neste momento, autor.

© Future Driven 2022 — Made in Rio with 💚